Hello! Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season was fantastic.
While I am writing a larger piece for this upcoming week, I wanted to ask you all to take a few minutes to ponder the following questions below, to prime you for my next article. Consider this a holiday interlude!
Do you know the names of your township council/mayor? When is the last time you attended a public hearing/meeting?
Do you know the names of your state representative/senator? When is the last time you made a call to their office over a bill proposal in your state chambers?
Where are people on the move to and from in America? What are the potential political implications for the future?
When you think of political corruption, what comes to your head immediately? (After Trump).
What are potential solutions to corruption in government? What are some differences between your home state and other states that come to mind?
How do you feel about the following statement “Government moves too slow.”
How do you feel about the following statement “Government moves too fast.”
What do terms like conservative, libertarian, liberal, and leftist mean to you?
Where on the left to right spectrum would you place yourself?
What is a change to your political party that you want to see in 2025?
Thats a lot of stuff to think about! If you find yourself realizing you do not know an answer or are confused about the framing do not worry.
I would be interested in hearing any responses you may have, feel free to leave them in the comments or direct message me. It can be to any of the above questions I laid out, do not feel pressured to answer all of them.
Appreciate all of you who have accompanied me on my writing journey in the new Trump era.
Have a great week.